Philmont Crew Leadership

 Philmont Scout Ranch
High Adventure Trip 2022

The 2022 Philmont Guidebook to Adventure is hyperlinked below. Each participating Crew member (Scout and Adult Advisor) should review the information in preparation for the upcoming trip in early July. Our Philmont expedition number is 709-7F

Now that you have had the opportunity to really practice camping, hiking, orienteering, and backpacking skills, it is also time to select your crew leadership. Three members of the crew will have a leadership responsibility that lasts throughout the trek: Crew Leader, Chaplain Aide and Wilderness Pledge Guia. In addition, all members of the crew will serve in some leadership role each day, either as the primary or the assistant. Examples of rotated leadership responsibilities for the crew include: navigator, cook, dishwasher, bear bags manager, water gatherer, and fire watchman (when fires are permitted). 

Each Scout should complete the Crew Leadership Selection Form below. Results will be presented during the Troop Meeting on February 20, 2022

2022 Philmont Guidebook to Adventure

Philmont Crew Leadership Selection Form (Scouts Only)


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