Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Trip 2022 7-Day Itinerary Priority Selection Review pages 130-168 of the 2022 Philmont Itinerary Guidebook (first hyperlink below) or the second hyperlink for a description of activities for the 7-day trek. After review, go to the Itinerary Selection Form, using the third hyperlink below, and select the six itineraries that you would want to participate. Of those six you selected, you will rank your first choice, second choice, and third choice. Your form must be completed by: Tuesday, Feb 15, 2022 at 21:00 2022 Philmont Itinerary Guidebook 7-Day Itineraries Maps and Descriptions Philmont Itinerary Selection Form (Scouts Only)
Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Trip 2022 Introduction Troop 288, through a national lottery, was awarded a 2022, 7-day high adventure expedition slot to attend the Philmont Scout Ranch . When : 7-Day expedition will arrive at Philmont on: 7/9/2022 and will depart Philmont on 7/16/2022 What : Crews on 7-day treks will backpack for 5 days in the backcountry, with an arrival/departure day in Base Camp. Crews will be welcomed and accompanied by a Philmont Ranger for their first 3 days and will participate in program activities throughout their trek. 7-day treks include multiple itineraries over 50 miles, as well as the 3 hours of conservation work necessary to earn the Philmont Arrowhead Patch . Where : The Philmont Scout Ranch is located in Cimarron, New Mexico and includes 214 square miles of rugged wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies . Who : One crew (crew size = 8 to 12 participants) from Troop 288 is bei...
Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Trip 2022 This exciting itinerary will get us to the highest peak on Philmont Scout Ranch, and enjoy a nice variety of history and exciting programs to boot! We start our trek with a short hike through Ponil to Bent Camp, where the Ranger will pass on valuable skills. We head up the South Ponil Creek, where a train and logging trucks once traversed over 100 years ago and join the loggers of the Continental Tie & Lumber Co. for some railroad tie making as we head to Baldy Skyline Camp. We then make our way up to historic Baldy Town and visit the museum and try our hand at assaying before settling in for a night of rest. We wake up early to begin our loop up to the summit of Baldy Mountain and enjoy the tremendous 360 degree views. We then continue our circle down to Copper Park and into French Henry and explore Lucien Maxwell’s best gold producing Aztec Mine. Do a little blacksmithing before making our way back around to Baldy Town to r...
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